Investor: consider Africa

The mining, oil and gas sectors drove Sub Saharan African (SSA) growth for the last 15 years, with real estate and consumer sectors poised to stimulate growth in the region. Index providers such as Cloud Atlas Investing are capturing this growth through African ETFs to be listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Over the past decade, we have witnessed a rise in South African retail giants, such as Pick n Pay and Shoprite, expanding their operations in many African countries. Shoprite is Africa’s biggest retail outlet, with more than 2000 outlets in 15 African countries. Choppies, Botswana’s largest retail outlet, has expanded mostly into Southern African countries. Africa’s population has been viewed as the continent’s largest resource. Africa is expected by 2050 to be the world’s largest population, estimated to be around 2.4 billion. The increasing population is an incentive for the consumer and retail sectors, as it affects the consumption of goods and services. Along with the growing population certain factors such as growth in tertiary education qualifications, growth in GDP/capita and increased internet connectivity. These positive demographic factors mentioned are expect to further these companies’ success in the future and we encourage investors to start investing in Africa with a long-term view now. For the full article, please find the latest Funds on Friday attached.

FoF_17022017_GLC_Sectors to watch out for 2017